Protective Wrappers for Pamphlets, 6-1/8 x 4-1/2 – #KSRL-A


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Protective wrappers for pamphlets without bindings were designed by a special collections department at a leading research library. The premise behind their development was that a binding exists to provide protection from airborne dirt, moisture, light, migration of acids from adjacent volumes, and, most importantly, physical damage. Therefore, unbound volumes are at a disadvantage when exposed to these elements. We suggest that the following guidelines are considered when selecting a wrapper. It is best not to insert a pamphlet over 50 pages long. The volume should be at least 1/4 in. shorter and 1 in. narrower than the envelope. These are made from Lig-free Type I .010 paper, which has a pH of 8.5, 3% alkaline buffering, and no lignin or sulfur. Additionally, this paper will make a minimum of 1000 double folds in the weakest direction at 1 kg. load.

Each package contains 25 wrappers.